Wednesday, 30 April 2014

श्रम का जय -जय गान करो

हाथ लगेगा सब कुछ तुमको
जो जीवन भर संघर्ष करो।
 मूल मंत्र है इस जीवन का
जीवन भर तुम संघर्ष करो।।

मानव जन्म है साधन पथ
इसका ही बस ध्यान करो।
हाथ पर हाथ धर कर नहीं
फिर छन भर भी विश्राम करो।।

उत्साह, उमंग भर के मन में
हर एक दुःख को दूर करो।
अपने हाथों से अब तुम अपनी
किस्मत का नव श्रृंगार करो।।

अपनी -अपनी मंजिल चुन कर
उस पर तुम अधिकार करो।
तन-मन-वचन सब से मिलकर
श्रम का जय -जय गान करो।।

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

आओ हम राष्ट्र-यज्ञ करें

यज्ञ करें,यज्ञ करें,आओ हम मिल-जुल  राष्ट्र-यज्ञ  करें।
दृढ़ विश्वाश,संकल्पित होकर,आओ मिल राष्ट्र यज्ञ करें।।

मानवता के मंत्रोचारण
मन-प्राणों की समिधा हो।
ज्योतिर्मयी राष्ट्र-प्रेम की अग्नि
अभिनन्दित हो, आह्वानित हो।

यज्ञ करें,यज्ञ करें,आओ हम मिल-जुल  राष्ट्र-यज्ञ करें  ....

जात-पात,ऊँच-नीच के स्वाहा
एकता,अखण्डता की वेदिका हो।
अप्रितम राष्ट्र-भाषा की देवी
सम्मानित हो,प्राण-प्रतिष्ठित हो।

यज्ञ करें,यज्ञ करें,आओ हम मिल-जुल  राष्ट्र-यज्ञ  करें  …

यहाँ बड़ा न कोई छोटा हो।
सब जन भारत के वासी
समृद्धित हों, उल्लासित हों।

यज्ञ करें,यज्ञ करें,आओ हम मिल-जुल  राष्ट्र-यज्ञ  करें  ....

यज्ञ का कर्म चले निरन्तर
घर,विद्यालय या दफ्तर हो।
जीवनदायक कर्म-प्रसादी
वितरित हो,सेवित हो।

यज्ञ करें,यज्ञ करें,आओ हम मिल-जुल  राष्ट्र-यज्ञ  करें।
दृढ़ विश्वाश,संकल्पित होकर,आओ मिल राष्ट्र यज्ञ करें।।

Monday, 28 April 2014


सांप से तुलना, मानव की 
अरे यह क्या ?
मानव महान की तुलना 
अदने सर्प - जीव से। 
सांप - डरपोक, दब्बू
 छुप कर  चलता है 
उस पर भी कोई छेड़े 
तो कभी भूल से 
शायद काटता है। 
पर मानव-बुद्धिजीवी 
बेबात,बिना छेड़ने पर भी 
काट लेता है। 
सुनते हैं - सांप का काटा 
पानी नहीं मांगता 
लेकिन आदमी का  काटा 
मर के भी मर नही पाता। 
शायद मेरे ख्याल से 
सर्प - समुदाय 
कुछ तेज़ सांपों को 
जो मुखिया या प्रधान हों 
विभूषित करते होंगे 
पदवी से आदमी की। 
केंचुली - हाँ यह बात 
मिलती अवश्य है 
दोनों ही बान्धवों में 
कि सांप भी 
और मानव भी 
केंचुली बदलते हैं 
चाहे गति पुनः 
बदलने की केंचुली 
मानव की ही अधिक हो। 


घटा ज़ुल्फ़ की जब छाने लगी।
दिले-धड़कन अपनी बढ़ाने लगी।।

सोचा था पियेंगे आज जम के मय
करीब उनके बेहोशी छाने लगीं।।

रात बीती किस तरह बतायें हम।
सुबह फिर यादे-दिल सताने लगी।।
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पिलायी तो कसम से थोड़ी ही मगर।
खुश्क लबों को वो ही भाने लगी।।

रंगते-मय किस शोखी में ढलीं थीं।
बात आसां कंहाँ समझ जो आने लगी।।

मय पी टूटीं कसम आज "उस्ताद" की।
सुर्खी में ताज़ा ख़बर बिकाने लगीं।।

Sunday, 27 April 2014

मुसकराओ तुम मुसकराओ

रो-रो के जिओगे तो 
हर सांस पर मरोगे 
कष्ट,बदहाली से सदा ही 
तुम त्रस्त रहोगे।
हँस -हँस के जिओगे तो 
नलिन सदृश कीचड़ में भी 
निर्लिप्त,निर्विकार से 
हर साँस पर खिलोगे। 
खुद ही नहीं ,ओरों को भी 
अपनी मुसकराहट से 
खुश्बू बिखेर कर जिला दोगे। 
तो सोचते क्या हो?
ठहाका लगाओ,जोर से 
या की फिर,ये नहीं 
तो भी हौले ही सही 
झूम कर मुसकराओ। 
होंठों पर जुम्बिश न हो 
तो भी भीतर से अपने 
गुनगुनाओ,गीत गाओ
आड़ी -बेड़ी ताल लगाओ। 
देखो अब तुम कितने 
हल्के फूल से होकर 
हवा में विचरते हो 
"पवनपुत्र 'की तरह 
प्राणों को अपनी 
हथेली पर रखकर 
निर्भय,अलमस्त हो कर। 
इन सबसे अब 
तुम्हारा क्या वास्ता 
तुम तो  होगे  मुक्त 
और तुममें होगी 
समाहित -अक्षय,निराली 
प्रबल जीवन -ऊर्जा। 
इसलिए जैसे भी हो 
और ग़म को भूल जाओ। 
इसलिए नहीं कि 
वो तुम्हें भयभीत करता है 
अपितु इसलिए कि 
तुम्हें तुम्हारे हँसने,मुसकराने  से
प्रमाणित हो जाता है कि 
दुःख सचमुच कुछ नहीं होता 
यह मात्र हमारा 
मिथ्या भ्रम होता है। 
दरअसल जीवन तो 
आनन्दोत्सव होता है
अद्भुत,हर पल नए 
अनुभव देने वाला। 
अतः आओ जीवन के 
उद्देशय को पहचानो 
उसकी सार्थकता को उबारो। 
अपनी पहचान का 
समय की शिलालेख पर 
एक नया हस्ताक्षर उकेरो
 मुसकराओ तुम मुसकराओ। 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

World Of Dreams

Some teachers of philosophy call this creation a dream. They see whatever we see, hear and bear are in fact a mirage, an illusion .That is why by listening to this often we become apathetic. But in this so-called world of dreams we do see dreams when we sleep. some people see less dreams and some see more. We remember some dreams and forget others, but dreams stealthily intrude into our sleep sometimes they leave deep impressions on our subconscious mind that we are awakened with a rude shock, what is left some good or bad memories of the dream. And now starts the search for the meaning of these strange dreams.
Some dreams are colored and some are in black and white. Some dreams are small and some are big. Some can be understood and some defy reasoning. Some dreams start from the point where they had been left the previous night like TV serials. My niece [now in France] Poshita has experienced this. She saw a lengthy story in 15 episodes in her dream. What is the base of these dreams? Why do they come? Have they any significance? There are many such questions squirming in human minds since ages. Now, research is being conducted to test their scientific validity the funny part of this is that behind many scientific inventions these dreams had played a vital role. The inventor of nuclear structure Neils Bohr has written that scientists knew about nuclear presence but they did not know about the nuclear structure. They conducted many experiments but could not succeed. Then on the basis of a dream they reached the conclusion that it is a nucleus [center] around which electrons move. Like this a dream gave birth to the nuclear age. The well known mathematician Henry Feher after collecting facts from the thinking and beliefs of 69 intellectuals reached the conclusion that out of 69 mathematician 51 had solved different questions in dreams only. Friedrich August Kekule has explained the chemical composition of benzene on the basis of dreams. Like this Elias Howe was also not satisfied with the invention of sewing machine. Because stitching made by his machine were weak. He made holes in the needle, but could not succeed. One day he saw a dream that some savage people had taken him to the king. The king told him to make a sewing machine and told his men to give him death penalty if he failed to do so. Elias Howe saw the soldiers were carrying big spears which had eye-like holes and as he failed to make a machine for the king, a soldier, acting on the orders of the king, made a hole in his head by throwing a spear at that moment Elias Howe woke up from his dream. He made a needle with a single hole at one end of it and fitted it in his sewing machine. Like this the sewing machine was invented.

Sometimes it has been seen that dreams come to our aid. People’s who justify it through their arguments say when we are deeply in grossed in tackling a problem and go to sleep we get its solution in the dream. According to them dreams are the outcome of our daily activities, our aims and expectations, but such a simple definition of dreams looks childish, we certainly see dreams which predict our future and we see incidence happening exactly like the one’s seen in the dreams.
The former US President Abraham Lincoln’s biographer Ward Vamon has written that Lincoln had the premonition of his murder in a dream. Lincoln had described the incident of his own murder to the writer exactly in the same manner as it had happened. This writer had also premonition of many important events in his real life which were happening then. The famous Russian institute, ‘Curt has conducted many experiments regarding the predictions in dreams. It has been proved that the brain of some individuals get excited by the atoms of the incidence which were to take place in future. The famous actress of West Germany Kristine Milas is a well-known example of this type of person. She had seen about 1200 dreams which were connected with one person or the other and the incidence did happen just as in her dreams.

The Indian philosophy is absolutely clear about it that the past, present and the future are always present in their minute form in the atmosphere. The person who has developed this power so much that he can come in contact with this minute form while still awake is known as fortune teller or yogi. He can have the knowledge about the past, present in future. Otherwise a person can have interaction with his own self and have link with the minute form. This contact is the medium or the base of the future dream. As a result when the minute form of our personality comes in contact with the minute form of the future, its future become clear with the help of the medium of the dream. This work is done by awakening or developing the sixth sense. Concentration of mind is recognize the power and its minute waves and the perseverance to accept it. When the person reaches this stage the world of dream is no more a mystery to him/her.          


जीवन के पथ पर जाने कितनी 
मिलती रहती हैं जीवनशाला। 
कुछ कहती हैं योग करो तो 
बतलातीं कुछ भोगमयी काया।

इन सबसे भिन्न मगर, अद्भुत 
पाठ  पढ़ाती नया नवेला,मधुशाला। 
सर्वस्व लूटा कर अपना, बन साकी बाला 
तृप्त करो उर सबका,छलका प्याले की हाला। 

जाने कितनेअविरल  मंथन से 
प्रगट हो पाती है हाला।
जो सूचक है मात्र इसी का 
प्रिये दूर नहीं अब अमृत प्याला।

लेकिन अमृत रस से पूर्व तुम्हें तो 
पीनी होगी तप्त, तिक्त यही हाला।
जब यही नियति है तो भय तज पीले 
बम-बम कहते, बन तुम भोले,मतवाला। 

देख कहीं वो भरे हुए दस प्यालों वाला 
न खुद पीता है न देता है अपनी हाला।
लेकिन वहीँ एक बूँद भी बड़े जतन से पाने वाला
बुझते दीपक की खातिर टपका देता है अपनी हाला।

कहीं स्वयं ही तोड़ रहा कोई अपना प्याला 
तो एक है वो भी जो चाट रहा खाली प्याला।
पगले तो देख समझ ले,यह जीवन एक मधुशाला 
अलग है हाला,अलग है प्याला,अलग-अलग साकी बाला।       

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Hindi: A language rich in proverbs and idiomatic expressions

Hindi is a language which is spoken or understood across the entire country. On September 14, 1949 it was accorded the status of Rajbhasha by the Constituent Assembly of India. We celebrate 14th September every year as Rajbhasha Diwas and the month of September as Rajbhasha Month. Today, after Chinese and English, it is the 3rd largest spoken language in the world – with its popularity steadily on the rise.

Having adopted liberal Economic policies in wake of globalization, India is being perceived as a major market by the foreign countries now. For them, presenting their wide varieties of amazing range of products to a country of such a large population is like a dream opportunity for future.

It’s one of the main reasons that some of the most prestigious Universities in the world today have begun to give Hindi its due importance. With a view to improve their career and future, many foreign students are even keen to wear the badge ‘Hindi-Honor’ on their chests.

Hindi language has a vast repository of words and expressions. Many regional languages have contributed to its embellishment by changing and improving its contours and character. In fact, it has always been the dearest progeny of the rich ancient language Sanskrit that has nurtured and helped in blossoming of a variety of regional languages. By now even many English words become have part of the daily vocabulary of many Hindi-Speaking people, and so is the case vise-versa. In English at present many Hindi words are appearing verbatim.

In fact, for the enrichment and growth of any language such constants multilayered exchange of intellectual capital is quite essential. Their benefits get manifested on both sides, which is a natural way to the development of languages.

As Hindi has grown out of a mixture or a variety of languages, born out of general and daily exchange of ideas and thoughts of ordinary – folk, it has a marked rural and regional flavor to it.

Varied aspects of people’s philosophy, beliefs, lifestyles, way of thinking and value – system etc. afford it a certain vibrancy, besides a uniquely colorful and distinctive character.  Such elements not only make a language rich but also help it to become more receptive, flexible, interesting and free –flowing.

Hindi language is a big reservoir of a variety of expressions and phrases that may be called proverbs or idiomatic expressions. Their usage helps in imparting a certain beauty and meaningfulness to the language. By proverb we mean a specific expression commonly in use in a certain language. In a way, it’s a distilled expression of particular experiences of people in a certain community. Talking in the same vein, sometimes in a small sentence we can find ‘Gagar mein Sagar’ (ocean in a tumbler) – and its impact may appear minor but could prove lasting (ghav karein gambhir).

Oxford Concise Dictionary describes proverb as a ‘commonly used expression that’s brief and meaningful’. And according to Fleming, proverb or sayings contain the common wisdom of a specific community or an age. While a proverb may be a complete sentence, an idiomatic expression may only form a part of the sentence. Proverbs are usually fixed in expression, while the meaning of idioms could change according to the use. As both are enriched expressions they lend certain grace and beauty to the language.

Disraeli’s claim at the proverbs and maxims are older than the oldest texts appear to be true. Proverbs like ‘mare bhadon ka ghaam’ and ‘dhobi ka kutta na ghar ka na ghat ka’ truly reflect the experiences of ages. Armed with these unique expressions, even the so called illiterate ruler – folk often surprise the ‘educated ones’ by retorting with ‘saw takey ki ek baat’.

By now in Hindi we can clearly see the assimilation and incorporation of different proverbs and idiomatic expressions from other languages. If from Sanskrit we have ‘anabhyase visham shastrasm’ (without practice even shastra could turn into poison) and ‘maunam sammati lakshanam’ (silence is an indication of agreement), from Persian and Urdu we have ‘akalmandon ko ishara kafi hai’, ‘abhi dilli door hai’, ‘gaye the roza chudaney, namaaz gale padi’.

From English too we have proverbs like ‘khaali dimaag shaitan ka ghar’ (an empty is devil’s workshop) or ‘har cheez jo chamakti hai, sona nahi hoti’ (all the glitters is not gold). Proverbs and sayings have touched almost every aspect of life in an unabashed and vigorous manner, and that’s the reason they are so popular.

Come let’s have a look at some of these bold and spirited expressions that have continued to fire people’s imagination down the ages. These draw on almost every aspect of life, be it animal or bird, number or food, lifestyle or general behavior of people – and all wrapped up in the timeless wisdom to which humanity continues to add.


Relating to Animals
अक्ल बड़ी या भैंस 
(Tact is more powerful than mere strength).
अपने घर कुत्ता भी शेर 
(Every cock fights best on his own dung hill).
बंदर क्या जाने अदरक का स्वाद 
(Honey is not meant for monkey’s mouth).
ऊँट के मुँह में जीरा 
(A drop in the ocean).
साँप के सपोले ही पैदा होंगे 
(As the crow is so the egg be).

Relating to Figures
न नौ मन तेल होगा न राधा नाचेगी 
(If the sky falls we shall gather larks).
 तीन तेरह होना 
(To be at sixes and sevens).
नया नौ दिन पुराण सौ दिन 
(New brooms are no better than old ones).
एक अनार सौ बीमार 
(One post and one hundred candidates).
नौ दो ग्यारह होना 
(To turns tails).

Relating to Body Parts
आँख मिचौली करना 
(To play hide and seek).
कान न देना 
(To turn a deaf ear).
आँख कान खुले रखना 
(To be on alert).
आँख का काजल चुराना 
(To steal the teeth out of one’s mouth).
आँख चुराना 
(To cut someone dead).
इस हाथ दे, उस हाथ ले 
(Early sow, early mow).

Relating to Food Items
दाल में काल होना 
(To smell a rat).
दूध का धुला 
(All light with no shadow).
भूख में चने भी मखाने 
(Hunger is the best sauce).
थोथा चना बाजे घना 
(Empty vessels make much noise).
दूध का जला छाछ भी फूँक- फूँक कर पीता है 
(A burnt child dreads the fire).
अकेला चना भाड़ नहीं फोड़ता 
(A gram cannot break the furnace).

Relating to Behavior/Habit
चैन की बंसी बजाना 
(To enjoy the music of life).
जैसे को तैसा 
(Tit for tat).
एक हाथ से ताली नहीं बजती 
(It takes two to quarrel).
राई का परबत बनना 
(To make a mountain of a moll-hill).
हथेली पर सरसों नहीं जमती 
(Rome was not built in a day).
बहती गंगा में हाथ धुँआ 
(Make hay while the sun shines).
जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी 
(As you sow, so you reap).
आप भला तो जग भला 
(Good mind, good find).

Relating to Fruits/Vegetables
अंगूर खट्टे हैं 
(The grapes are sour).
थाली का बैंगन 
(A fickle minded person).
आम खाओ पेड़ न गिनो 
(Gather in the harvest, why count the stalks).
करेला और नीम चढ़ा 
(A pimple grown on an ulcer).
आम के आम घुठलियों के दाम 
(Money for money and interest besides).  

Monday, 21 April 2014

मेरे साईं तू मेरा 

सगुण हो या निर्गुण
स्थूल हो या सूक्ष्म
ससीम हो या अनंत
हर जड़ या जीव
चर या अचर
चेतन या अचेतन
सृष्टि में हमारी
या उससे भी परे
सबमें है तू विराजित
इसलिए जगत या उससे परे
कहाँ है कुछ विभाजित
ये मेरा मैं भी
जिसे मैं अपना मानता हूँ
ज़रा भी नहीं है मेरा
तो ढूँढना है किसे
भूलाना है किसे
चाहना है किसे
ठुकराना है किसे
सब रूप में है तू
सब रंग में है तू
या तुझसे ही हैं
सब रूप, सब रंग
तो क्यों रहे
भला कोई भी
गिला या कि शिकवा
तू अगर है किसी का
या की निर्विकार भोला
तो भी तो है
तू मेरा
जितना उसका
उतना मेरा
हर रूप में मेरा
हर रंग में मेरा
मेरे साईं तू मेरा।

सीपियाँ -1

पीताम्बर(श्री कृष्ण )

पीताम्बर -तुम 
पीताम्बर -मैं 
पीताम्बर -से 


वे उन्नति के शिखर 
चढ़ते रहे। 
बस पीठ पर बड़ा 
चाटुकारिता का सिलिंडर 
लादे रहे। 


तस्कर सम्राट बोले 
इनके क्या ठिकाने ?
इन्हें ठिकाने लगाइये। 

दयालू सज्जन 

वे सचमुच ही 
अपने से ऊपर 
बढ़ने वालों की 
पूरी मदद  करते 
उसे बखूबी, सीधा 
ऊपर पहुँचाते। 

पते की बात 

तुम पते की बात 
करते हो 
भगवान का भला 
कहीं घर है। 


कल मैंने उसे 
एक का सिक्का दिया 
आज उसने मुझे 
सौ का छुट्टा दिया। 

Sunday, 20 April 2014

JAI HO ! Spiritual Management

This immense world now seems much smaller owing to the spate of technological developments. USA or U.K., Poland or France, Manchester or Perth, live news of each and every place, each and every movement is available so easily at one single click. You could say that it might take more time to blink but lesser to get 24 x 7 details of this hi-tech world.
The effects of this rapidly changing world and the accordingly transforming lifestyles of its citizens have become quite visible in small towns and villages too. Gigantic multinational and national companies and corporate houses seem eager to make strong inroads in to the society. Though this trend is not very old in India, it has spread much more speedily in the past two decades. Developed nations underwent these changes long back and after all observing its effects on the societies there, they have endeavoured to make them more disciplined, more responsible and more welfare–oriented.

   Actually speaking, the need for these corrective actions was felt     because recent times have witnessed a global downtrend. This has   shaken big and famous corporate houses and companies  to the    core. Suffering from its negative effects, companies have had to lay  off employees, and reduce their expenditures. So much so that    even the crises management plans made to handle such  circumstances too failed to bring any substantial uptrend in the  circumstances. Thus  started the attempts to sow seeds of such  timeless values among corporate management teams that lead to a  harvest of healthy and happy thoughts, lay the groundwork for co-  operation and harmony and irrigate it with nectar of enthusiasm and zeal. Be it on an individual level or a collective one, if there’s one power able to usher in these fundamental changes, it is in the power of spirituality. This power actually brings to light our inherent spiritual strengths and also makes them flourish and thrive. The education of the same management  ability,named ‘spiritual management’, is fully capable of taking us far above the effects of any type of downtrend.

India,our nation,has always been the home of idealistic principles such as ‘Vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ (the entire earth is one family) and ‘Sarvebhavantu sukhinah’ (may all be happy). And that’s the reason that it can assay the role of a guide, or better still, the role of a spiritual guru, to the entire world in an effective way. It’s a matter of immense satisfaction that sound indications of the same have started emergent strongly at a global level.
India has a seemingly endless treasure of knowledge. Tremendous work has been done here in streams of spirituality, literature,philosophy and psychology. Though management appears to be quite a recent branch of knowledge,one that logically analyses and researches,and is coming up rapidly in these modern times,yet observing closely,we discover that in any thriving civilization, the hand of able management appears above everything else. Be it ancient Egyptians or Mesopotamian civilizations or India’s own Indus valley or vaidic or post vaidic civilization or the developed or developing modern civilization. We can rephrase this points in these words also that if a civilization is progressing at all fronts then undoubtedly there is no reason to disbelieve that it is being managed with high ability. The quest of Indian knowledge has magnified speedily among developing as well as developed nations. All other nations seem to be standing with cupped palms to benefit from long standing Indian traditions.
There is nothing astonishing in this. It has been happening from time to time in the past too that the world has gained from our wisdom. But it is due to the globalization, technological revolution and India’s increasing prestige in the world that this trend has become as clear as board writing on bare walls. Beginning with the 70’s and the 80’s,when Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Aacharya Rajneesh and Aacharya Ram etc.presented in foreign lands,a new and contemporary version of ancient  Indian culture,it forced powerful nations of the world to alter their perceptions regarding Indian wisdom. Deepak Chopra who was selected as ‘The Messiah of alternative medicine’ among 20th centuries ‘100 icons and heroes’ by the Time Magazine in 1999,as carried the flag of Indian Ayurveda into foreign lands. And now Baba Ramdev, a modern Patanjali of Yoga and Ayurveda, has gained much praise by advocating fearlessly in India and abroad, the need to adopt Yoga as the basis of a healthy life irrespective of cast, creed, color and nationality.
Similarly,under the guardianship of Sri Ravishankar,the Art of Living course is introducing a new philosophy of life to western lifestyles, a philosophy that innately based on Indian values only.
Today management classes,workshops,conferences and seminars all over the world are considered incomplete if devoid of discussions about Indian philosophy,spirituality and psychology. A discussion on these is considered in tune with contemporary times. Talking of what’s occurring inside our own country,those who nurtured the related books,ideas and philosophy,and whose wisdom was downplayed as ‘belonging to a section only’ out of politics,are now touted in foreign nations. As a popular saying goes in Hindi,’Ghar ka jogi jogana, aan gaon ka siddh’,i.e.deemed a lunatic in one’s own village,and a sage in next one. Thankfully now people have become more aware over here to. Topics such as time management,leadership,motivation,mind control,stress management and human relationships etc. are all linked to management and people entering these streams are given not just detailed explanation but relevant training as well. With the objective of awakening and fine tuning all the hidden positivism inside humans, modern management gurus and corporate managers seem committed to take help from spirituality in order to gain better results results in this direction.
One might wonder on the relevance of spirituality in management of business! This thought has no con temporariness any longer. In fact, to even think like this is deemed reflective of being narrow minded and outdated.There are three points of view in management. The first is the analysis of the situation, a state of brain. The second state linked to the heart is of individual reactions upon receiving a news or information. The third is the philosophical one, on which work has begun in earnest now. Management courses make analysis their main basis. But it is coming into belief that the future managers will have to leave the stamp of creative thinking, stress management and balanced reactions in their day to day business activities. Only then it will bring about welfare for all and everyone will be able to achieve holistic mental growth which will yield the courage to say good riddance to stresses born out of the rush of this busy and hasty life. With this shall awaken the resolve, the stability and the habit of staying cool in circumstances of all kinds. Attainment of transparency and uniformity in personality as well as behavior shall lead to building better brand image, not just of self but also of the organization.
Talking of today’s environment, IIM-Bangalore has assimilated the topic of ‘Spirituality for the Global Leaders’ as an alternative subject. Doors of other Institution too have opened to holdings discussions and debates on topics similar to these. Workshops grounded in philosophy and spirituality are becoming prevalent.Examples are being quoted from tales of Ramayan and Mahabharat. Bhagwad Gita and Krishna have become top voices in the field of management and have found permanent places among the words of all management gurus. Lord Krishna has been revered by devotees for long but now even managers do not deem him less reverential than any topmost CEO.
On the other hand, Lord Ram is the personification of Dharma. He is a born leader and an extremely capable corporate head. He has a unique and positive approach towards tackling adverse circumstances. Now this is being necessarily highlighted as a basic facts in management classes. It is coming into belief that the management tips imparted by Maharshi Vyas to the society thousands of years ago, long before Peter Drucker, C.K.Prahlad, Arindam Chaudhry and Stephen Covey, are still valid. The Sunderkaand of Ramcharitmanas written by Tulsidas has become the Bible of management that presents and details Hanuman’s brilliant and faithful character as that of an able, talented and responsible executive. Similar streams of thoughts have been endorsed by best sellers such as Spencer Johnson’s ‘who moved my cheese’ and Bill Gates ‘Business @ speed of thought’. In the same context is available in markets another interesting books titled ‘Bhishma @ Management and Governance’ that teaches management credos by focusing on Bhishma, the ascetic super warrior of Mahabharat.
Summing all that has been said here that what the present day management gurus recommended as ‘working without expectations and with detachments’ via ‘the theory of motivation’ and ‘the theory of inspiration’, is actually a part of spiritual management only. That’s why for most CEO's,the last shloka of Gita is the golden touch that brings fundamental and thorough changes in life. This  shloka says that wherever Yogeshvara Krishna is present in the form of the most supreme wisdom, and influenced by that wisdom, Arjun is ready to carried out his karma in a contemporary manner, there shall certainly be victories and achievements. It seems decided that spiritual management shall attain the numero uno status in the management strategy of future.

Jai Ho! Spiritual Management.

Saturday, 19 April 2014


बड़े अजीब मिज़ाज का लगे ये शहर अपना।
पता नहीं कौन रकीब कौन हमसफर अपना।। 

सबको दूजे पर आता है  इल्ज़ाम थोपना। 
खूँने दस्त तो है यारब हिना का असर अपना।। 

यूं तो चलन यहाँ भी है दुआ-सलाम का। 
करे जो है संग से काम बेहतर अपना।। 

हर शाख पे बोले उल्लू,छाया इस कदर अँधेरा।
पूछे मगर कोई तो कहना रौशन है शहर अपना।। 

शहरे-इमाम के लिए करती है हवा मुखबरी।
''उस्ताद'' लिखना गजल संभाल कलेवर अपना।।   

Friday, 18 April 2014


मिजाज़े दौर अब कितना बेईमान हो गया है।
हर आदमी का चेहरा लहूलुहान हो गया है।। 

ख्वाबों में दिखती बस चीख,दरिंदगी है। 
हकीकत का तो जैसे चलान हो गया है।। 

खुदा का यहां एक अरसा हुआ देखो क़त्ल हुए। 
इबादत का अनोखा ये ईमान हो गया है।। 

इल्म,हया,नेकी को कौन भला अब पूछेगा। 
कालिख में पुता चेहरा पहचान हो गया है।। 

बेशर्मी का अजब ऐसा जुनून दिख रहा।
आदमी बड़ा बबॆर,हैवान हो गया है।। 

जब  से खुदा ने कबूल ली इबादत उसकी।
"उस्ताद'' को बड़ा इत्मीनान हो गया है।। 

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


दहलीज लांध बहुत दूर चला आया है घर की।
याद  तो बहुत आएगी उसे अपने शहर की।।

कुछ कमाने की चाह में बहुत कुछ खो गया।
समझ आएगी कहाँ पर चाल मुकद्दर की।।

हर रात तो करवट बदलने में है गुज़र जाती।
ख्वाब को भी चाहिए सुकून-ए-नीँद एक पहर की।।

जो भी हो जैसी भी रहे मुबारक है जिंदगी।
घूरे सी एक दिन बदलेगी तो जरूर पैकर* की।।*जिस्म

हथेली में संजोनी है जो पारे सी जिंदगी।
"उस्ताद "से सीख लो फ़न-ए-बारीकी बराबर की।। 

@नलिन #उस्ताद

सपने तलाशता बचपन 

सपने तलाशते  बचपन की थी चाह कैसी अनोखी
परात भरे पानी में तैरा  दी कागज की एक कश्ती।

पॉलिश की डिब्बी से बना कर तराजू छोटी-छोटी
तौल दी जाने कितनी माणिक-मुक्ता की ढ़ेरी।

अभिलाषाओं का सागर पी गयी नन्ही सी अंजुली
सप्त-लोक चौदह भुवनों में सैर करे मन-पंछी।

बचपन के रिश्तों की बातें थी बड़ी ही भोली-भाली
चंदा थे मामा सूरज  थे चाचा तो मौसी चटोरी बिल्ली।

उड़न घोड़े पर  सवार हाथों में ले स्वर्ण तलवार गुरु की
जादुगर के चंगुल से छुड़ा कर आती दिल की शहजादी।

हर सवेरा है खास

यात्रा का संसार


फ़िर एक बार,ग़म की हद पार हो गयी।
ख़्वाबे उम्मीद,तार-तार हो गयी।।

जाने कब तक चलेगा ये सिलसिला।
लो पौ फटी नहीं, कि शिकार हो गयी।।

रोशनी-ए-दिलों की जगमगाती यारी।
देखते-देखते,बुझ के खार हो गयी।।

मुस्कुराना उनका,कनखियों से देख कर हमको।
बात छोटी मगर,तिल का ताड़ बेकार हो गयी।।

हाथ मिला कर नोच लेना, दिल किसी का।
बीमारी ये आम, बेशुमार हो गयी।

"उस्ताद"जिस पर तुम्हें गुरूर था बहुत।
कहें तो कैसे,उस्तादी वो बेजार हो गयी।।


Tuesday, 15 April 2014


सबको पुकार के हूं थक गया बताने में।
रक़ीब कोई भी तो  नहीं मेरा इस ज़माने में।।

सोचा था भुलाने में उम्र कट जायेगी।
याद ही नहीं आ रहा कुछ भी भुलाने में।।

पुरानी शराब  जो दे,मस्त प्याले हंसी साकी।
चढ़े  सुरूर तभी तो जब हो तहज़ीब पिलाने में।।

मेले में दुनिया के क्या खूब अजूबे देखे हमने।
लगे सभी सोने चाँदी के बुत फकीर का मढाने में।।

गाली,संग*और नफ़रत भरी बरसातों में अक्सर।
डरे  "उस्ताद" तो गढ़े कैसे शागिर्द ज़माने में।।

@नलिन #उस्ताद 

Monday, 14 April 2014

ग़ज़ल -3 

अपने आँचल की छाया में छुपा  ले मुझे।
भटका हूँ बहुत,अब तो राह दिखा दे मुझे।।

तेरे रहमो-करम चलती है सारी दुनिया।
या खुदा जरा कभी,समझा हकीकत ये मुझे।।

बहुत शिद्दत से तेरी तलाश में हूँ भटकता यारब।
एक झलक दिखा दे तस्वीर आईने में  दिल के मुझे।।

ये वादा तुझे आज तो रब करना ही होगा।
ना जायेगा कभी तू अकेला छोड़ के मुझे।।

यूं तो होंगे "उस्ताद" बहुत इस दुनिया में मगर।
शागिर्द अपना हर हाल अब तो तू बना ले मुझे।। 

@नलिन #उस्ताद

नमामि देव देवेश मारुति  नन्दनम्

श्वेत रोम कूप अंग, षडरिपु  भंजनं
नमामि देव देवेश मारुति  नन्दनम्।

श्री राममन्त्रमूलम् जपति श्री मुखार विन्दम्
सर्वरोगहरं, अंजनीसुत प्रणमाम्यहम्।

अष्टसिद्धि, नवनिधि सहज प्रदायकम्
श्री शक्ति सीता वात्सल्य रस पोषितम्।

सर्व कार्य समर्थ सिद्धि, हर्ता कष्ट त्वरित वेगम्
राम-राम जपति नित्यं, प्रति श्वांश विलक्षणम्।

मम् स्वार्थ संसार बुद्धि, शीघ्र नाशनार्थम्
श्री राम नाम ह्रदय "नलिन" प्रदायकम्। 

करने मेरा बेड़ा पार

मैं चला ही कब था
पथ पर सरल
जो पथभ्रष्ट हो जाऊंगा।
मैं तो रहा हूँ
सदा से ही भ्रष्ट
शायद कभी कृपा हो उसकी
 तो "पथ"पर आ जाऊंगा।
जैसे लहरों पर बह गया
मौज में आकर कहीं
"मन है मेरा "सदा से यूँ ही।
अब तक बस उछलते-कूदते
लहरों के  साथ फिसलते
यूँ ही बहता रहा है
सदा मेरा जीवन चक्र।
पर शायद कभी
कठोर चट्टानों पर
सिर पटक-पटक कर
रास्ता मिल जाये सपाट।
जो करे मुझे सदा को
निकल कर बहा दे
 मेरे अंतर बसता
कलुष विष अपार।
तो लहरें ले जायेंगीअवश्य 
मुझे वहाँ  उस किनारे तक
जहाँ मिलेंगे श्री चरण राम
 करने मेरा बेड़ा पार।

Yogas-A Panancea

Before coming to a conclusion on any chart, scholars are seen discussing too much on planet, sign, house, aspect, constellation,
navamansa etc. but unfortunately only some of them are using
"Yogas" as a "Major-Tool” whereas on the other hand yogas  have much to do with the predictive side of Astrology.

Our highly intuitive ancestors have done practical researches and careful scrutiny of innumerable charts, after which they found that yogas are of immense value in tracing out root the problem which put even experts in a dumb and mum stage. It is the reason therefore that predictive skill of our ancestors had been found something of special class from the critics of astrology also. Yogas as the name clarifies   means combination. Combination   of different planets in some fashion. But in this way many kind of yogas come across to an astrologer.

For an easy approach we can classify Yogas into two groups. One shubh {beneficial}yoga and other ashubh{malefic}yoga. Here I have some few shubh yogas-which are considered to give wealth, pleasure, foreign travel, high post, dignity and all sorts of paraphernalia. Hence, to omit repeating I have tried to show only the main objectives of yoga.Same should be understood for ashubh yoga or yogas giving pain, sorrow, treachery, poor surroundings etc.


Gajkesari-Yoga: If Jupiter is placed in1,4,7,10 houses from the moon this yoga forms.
Result: Literary person, enjoy high position such as member of municipality, mayor, magistrate etc.

Chapa-Yoga: If the fourth and the tenth lords have interchanged houses and the ascendant lord is exalted this yoga forms.
Result: Good for wealth and power.

Lakshmi-Yoga: Lagna lord strong & the lord of the 9th occupies own or exaltation sign identical with a Kendra{1,4,7,10}or trikona {1,5,9} then this yoga forms.
Result: Name itself shows the kind of result.

Shiva-Yoga: Lord of the 5th should be in the 9th house, 9th lord in the 10th  house & 10th lord in the 5th house.
Result: Make high class businessmen, or well placed in army services.

Kusum-Yoga: If Jupiter is in 1st house, the moon in the 7th house and the sun in the 8th house from the moon this yoga forms.
Result: Naturally it’s a strong yoga as gajkesari and vasi yogas are both mingled in this yoga.

Parijata-Yoga: The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the ascendant{1st house} lord,or the lord of the navamansa occupied by the lord of rasi in which the ascendant lord is posited, shall join a Kendra {1,4,7,10},trikona {1,5,9}or its own or exaltation places.
Result: Rewarded by rulers, famous, especially happy in the middle and the last part of the life, excellent conveyance facility.

Mrindga-Yoga: The lord of the navamansa occupied by an exalted planet should be placed in a trine or quadrant identical with friendly or exalted sign etc, and the lagna lord should be strong.
Result: Favourable for government services and for name–fame.

Srinath-Yoga: 7th lord exalted in the 10th house and 10th lord should join the 9th lord.
Result: Makes very rich, happy family life, fortunate and gets high post.


Rajbhanga-Yoga: a) Jupiter with rahu or ketu aspect by Malefic.
b) Saturn, Moon and Sun all three in 4, 7, 6, 10 houses.
c) 9th lord in 12th house, 12th lord in 2nd  house and Malefic in 3rd house.
d) Jupiter in 8th house, Malefic in Kendra (1, 4,7,10 houses) without any benefit aspect.

Kemadrauma-Yoga: 2nd and 12th houses from Moon should be vacant.
Result: Poor-livelihood, dependent, unfortunate, corrupt.
Note: There is cancellation of the Kemadrauma if
a)   Moon is aspect by benefic planets or
b)  Kendras from Moon are occupied.

Papa-Kartari-Yoga: 2nd and 12th houses from Lagna should be occupied by malefic.
Result: Sinner, poor and live without any aim.
Note: If from any benefic planet 2nd and 12th houses are occupied by Malefic then it (planet) will not give full of his result.

Daridra-Yoga: Either from Moon or Lagna  kendras should be vacant.
Result: Name itself shows the kind of result.

Kalah-Yoga: Moon and Rahu with Malefic in 12th, 8th or 5th houses.
Result: The home-life suffers too much. Mental peace is rarely found.

Apakeerti-Yoga: The 10th house must be occupied by the sun and Saturn who should be aspect by Malefic or join Malefic amasas.
Result: Set back in reputation and no doubt he will have to face worst time in his life.

Bandhana-Yoga: Lord of Lagna and the 6th should be in Kendra or Trikona with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu.
Result: May be imprisoned or fully dependent on others.

                     OM TAT SAT OM